Planning & Zoning Administration
Building – Planning – Floodplain
The Planning & Zoning Department is responsible for the administration and enforcement of County Land Use Ordinances and Codes related to a variety of improvement and development projects.
It is our mission to provide the best available information and interpretation of the rules and regulations possible. It is our goal to provide our community the best customer service possible during the completion of their permit approval process.
This Administration’s jurisdiction covers all areas of Shoshone County outside of city boundaries. These areas include: Kingston, Pinecreek, Elizabeth Park, Sunny Slopes, Silverton, Burke, and Calder.
If you are inquiring about a property within city limits, please contact the planning office for that city:
City of Kellogg (208) 786-9131
City of Wardner (208) 786-0118
City of Mullan (208) 744-1515
City of Osburn (208) 752-0001
City of Pinehurst (208) 682-3721
City of Wallace (208) 752-1147
City of Smelterville (208) 786-3351
Office Location:
700 Bank Street, Suite 25
Wallace, ID 83873
Office Hours:
Monday – Thursday 9:00am – 5:00pm
Friday – 9:00am – Noon
Phone Numbers:
(208) 752-8891 Main Office
(208) 786-4405 Inspections
Planning and Zoning Commission
Ordinance and Code Overview
Zoning Code
- The Zoning Code is a set of Land Use rules and regulations established to govern the “What, When, Where, Why & How” we are allowed to make use of our property and the effect those uses have on the welfare of the community.
- Shoshone County is divided into fourteen (14) ‘Zone Districts’ and two (2) ‘Overlay Districts’. Each of these have particular ‘Allowed uses’ and associated standards. If a use is not outright allowed within a particular zone, a ‘Conditional Use’ permit process or a ‘Variance’ is required.
- The Code includes a provision for ‘Planned Unit Developments’, (PUD), where an applicant can master plan a complex development concept, in which the standards of the Zoning Code may be varied.
Subdivision Ordinance
- The Subdivision Ordinance is a set of rules and regulations established to govern the processes by which an individual’s land or properties are conveyed, split, divided, and/or adjusted.
- The Subdivision Ordinance #139, adopted Dec. 22, 2009; has not yet been Codified.
- There are three methods to create a new parcel or lot:
- Major Subdivision: typically larger developments with engineered infrastructure improvements such as community sewer and water and access roadways. This type of application will require a Preliminary Plat recommendation for approval via a Public Hearing in front of the County Planning & Zoning Commission. (Includes a Special Chapter for ‘Conservation Design Subdivisions’) (Also required for Final Platting of Planned Unit Developments)
- Minor Subdivision: Restricted to a maximum of nine (9) lots created, and those lots must be a minimum of two (2) acres in size. The application shall not propose shared infrastructure or improvements, other than a water system and/or a common driveway that would require engineering to meet the requirements of the County or other agencies. This is an administrative procedure that does not require a public hearing, however an agency and public comment period is required prior to administrative recommendation to the County Board of Commissioners.
- Exemption: is a set of conveyance criteria that does not meet the County definition of ‘Subdivision’. Therefore, if a property owner can demonstrate that their proposal meets the exemption criteria, a conveyance can be approved administratively.
Building Codes
- Shoshone County has adopted the International Code Compliance Regulations, 2018 edition, for Building Code. Building Code Standards and Residential Code regulations, including additions, revisions or amendments. (Particularly ‘Snow Load’ and ‘Frost Depth’ requirements)
- Shoshone County requires Building Permits for most all types of construction, additions, alterations, conversions, and improvement of structures. A ‘Setting’ Permit is also required for all manufactured/mobile homes.
- Shoshone County subcontracts out to City of Kellogg for our Building Official, plans reviews, and building Inspection services. While they do not physically operate from our office in Wallace, we make every attempt to make sure distance is not a factor in providing excellent customer service.
- Agricultural Buildings or “AG Exempt” buildings are allowed upon properties which are currently being classified as having and “Agricultural Exemption” (Categories 1, 3, 4, 5) granted to them by the Assessors’ Office.
- “AG Exempt” buildings are exempt from the building codes adopted herein but shall remain subject to the administration and placement requirements established by Shoshone County zoning and floodplain regulations.
Site Disturbance Code
- The Site Disturbance Code is a set of regulations established to govern the activities related to excavations, filling, clearing, unstable earthworks, soil erosion, sedimentation, and storm water runoff management.
- Site Disturbance proposals are classified into Low, Medium, or High risk projects based upon the level of disturbance being proposed. Each one requires a permit, and all projects are required to adhere to the State of Idaho Best Management Practices for Storm Water and Erosion control.
- High risk proposals will require plans to be created by a ‘Design Professional’ and may require a financial guarantee to be provided to the County.
- Many proposals also require permits for other agencies. It is the applicant’s responsibility to make sure the project is covered by the appropriate permits.
- Currently, a zoning map is not available online. Please call us with a property address or parcel number and we will provide you with the correct zoning designation and allowed uses.
Helpful Links
Building Applications
Building Permit App Package (2022)
679 KB PDF
Contractors License Addendum
Building Permit Fees
2020 MH permit app
372 KB PDF
P&Z Applications
P/Z Schedule of Fees
Elevation Certificate
Floodplain Development Permit
Subdivision Application
Zone Change Application
2020 Site disturbance app
501 KB PDF
Boundary Line Adjustment Procedures
107 KB PDF
Conditional Use Permit App
Planning Commission Member Application
682 KB PDF
Variance Application
P/Z Complaint Form
165 KB PDF
Ordinances & Codes
Title 9 Zoning Code
Ordinance 163, Building Code
596 KB PDF
Ordinance 129, Site Disturbance
Ordinance 124, Development Agreements
Building Handouts
Building Setbacks Chart 2022
155 KB PDF
Emergency Egress Windows
108 KB PDF
Smoke Detectors
109 KB PDF
Cold Weather Concrete Guidelines
118 KB PDF
Accessible Ramps & Landings
105 KB PDF
Shoshone County Snow Load Requirements