Floodplain Information

The Floodplain Overlay District Regulations are a set of regulations established to govern the activities within a designated area known as the ‘Special Flood Hazard Area’ (SFHA) as determined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Federal Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM’s)

As of September 26, 2008, Shoshone County has adopted the most current FIRM’s and related digital FIRM (dFirm) data.

Floodplain Development Permits are required for any development within the ‘Special Flood Hazard Area’. Particular standards must be met to prevent significant property damage during a flooding event.

The Planning & Zoning Administrator is also the Shoshone County Floodplain Administrator. our office can provide the public with information and services related to ‘Floodplain Determinations’ and any additional flood insurance data for a site, such as the FIRM zone designation and the base flood elevation (BFE) or depth, Benchmark information and locations. Other specific data that is found within the (FIS) Flood Insurance Study.

 We can provide an 8-1/2″ x 11″ color, GIS based FIRMette representing the subject property and digital FIRM data.

Shoshone County maintains all submitted elevation certificates for new and substantially improved structures for public review.

Do you need Floodplain questions answered?
The County Floodplain Administrator is available to provide information and consulting, related to flood hazard issues, regulations and processes, including: site inspections to discuss potential flooding, drainage and retrofitting advice.  Please see the Planning & Zoning department page for more information and links to other flood related information, or go directly to http://www.floodsmart.org/ or http://www.fema.gov/.

Office Location:

700 Bank Street, Suite 25
Wallace, ID 83873

Office Hours: 

Monday – Thursday 9:00am – 5:00pm

Friday 9:00am – Noon

Phone Number:

       (208) 752-8891



Helpful Links

Helpful Links

Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security:

Federal Emergency Management Agency:

Natural Resources Conservation Service: