Board of County Commissioners

All meetings of the Board are open to the public with the exception of Executive Sessions.
The Board of Commissioners is a unique body in government. It is the only office that has legislative, executive and judicial responsibilities and duties. The Commissioners have the power to pass ordinances, adopt budgets, fix tax levy rate and oversee the county budget. They are charged with the duty of supervising the official conduct of all county officers as their conduct relates to public monies and revenues, as well as supervising appointed boards and committees. They also act as the Board of Equalization. The Board sits as a quasi-judicial body to hear various matters including planning and zoning requests, property valuation protests and requests for cancellation of taxes, and indigent issues.
Shoshone County is looking for a volunteer to serve on the ambulance service district advisory board in the capacity of treasurer. We need someone who is passionate about providing excellent ambulance service to Shoshone County residents and who is knowledgeable about financial records, budgets and maintaining spreadsheets and various reports.
Interested parties should submit a letter of interest to the Shoshone County Board of Commissioners at
Office Location:
700 Bank Street, Suite 120 Wallace, ID 83873
Office Hours:
Tuesday – Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
(208) 752-3331

Upcoming Commissioners Meeting Agendas
Public Notice
The Board of County Commissioners during the 2024-2025 Budget Year will hold regular meetings in the Commissioners Conference Room, 700 Bank Street, Wallace, Idaho, Monday through Friday beginning at 8 a.m. Agenda notice is posted electronically on our website and on the front door of the Shoshone County Courthouse. Any person needing special accommodations to participate in the meeting should contact the Deputy Clerk, at least 24 hours prior to the meeting by calling (208) 752-3331.
Petition to Validate Weyer Gulch Road
Agenda February 3, 2025 Amended I
131 KB PDF
Agenda February 10, 2025
132 KB PDF
RFP - Courthouse Weatherization Project
114 KB PDF
Meeting Access Notice
This notice is given pursuant to Idaho Code 67-2343. Meetings are open to the public except for Executive Session Reasonable Accommodations will be provided upon request to allow persons with disabilities to attend & participate.If you have a disability and need more information, contact the County Clerk at (208) 752-1264. Ajustes Razonables será proporcionado a petición para que las personas con incapacidades a asistir y participar. Si usted tiene una discapacidad y necesita más información, póngase en contacto con el Secretario del Condado al (208) 752-1264.
Helpful Links
Board of Equalization/Property Valuation
Discussing your Assessed Value with the Assessor Before submitting a property valuation appeal, please attempt to settle the dispute by calling the Assessor’s Office at (208) 752-1202. Many disputes can be settled without going through the appeal process by working with your appraiser. If you are still unable to reach an agreement, complete the property valuation appeal form located below. The form must be submitted before the fourth Monday in June @ 5:00 p.m. should you decide to file a valuation appeal. We encourage you to file your appeal form as soon as you determine you wish to appeal as opposed to waiting until the last day to file. Understanding your Assessed Value The Assessor is required by state law to place current market value on all taxable property each year. This value is determined by an appraisal process. These values are based on sales concluded prior to January 1 of the current year. NOTE: A copy of your Assessment Notice must accompany your appeal No late appeal forms will be accepted. For questions regarding property valuation appeals in Shoshone County, please contact the Assessor’s office at (208) 752-1202. You may download the attached application and return it to the Board of Shoshone County Commissioners at 700 Bank Street, Suite 120, Wallace, Idaho 83873. You may also fax the completed application to the Commissioner’s office at (208) 752-4304.
Commissioner Districts
Idaho Code 31-704 requires the Board of County Commissioners to district their county into three (3) districts as nearly equal in population as may be. They are listed as follows: District #1 West Osburn East Kellogg Middle Kellogg West Kellogg District #2 Smelterville East Pinehurst West Pinehurst Kingston-Cataldo District #3 Prichard-Murray Mullan East Wallace West Wallace Silverton East Osburn Calder Clarkia Avery
Property Tax Exemptions
For questions regarding property tax exemptions in Shoshone County, please contact the Commissioners’ Office at (208) 752-3331. Application for tax exempt status may be submitted at any time with the Board of Commissioners. The deadline for filing tax exemptions is April 15, 2023. For new tax exempt applications, please include by-laws, articles of incorporation, financial statements and any other documents that support your request for exemption. Organizations must apply each year for an exemption. Idaho Code 63-602 requires the Shoshone County Board of Commissioners to approve all property tax exemptions on an annual basis. Note: No late tax exemption applications/forms will be accepted. You may download or print an Application and the applicable Worksheet and return them, with supporting documents, to the Shoshone County Board of Commissioners, 700 Bank Street, Suite 120, Wallace, Idaho 83873. If you prefer, you may fax the documents to the Commissioners’ office at (208) 752-4304. Please note – If your organization was granted a property tax exemption last year, you DO NOT use the form below. Those organizations who have current exemptions in place will be mailed a short form exemption application after January 1st. If you have not received the short form application in the mail by the end of February, please call (208) 752-3331. It is your responsibility to apply each year. A complete copy of Idaho Code Title 63, Chapter 6 may be available at your local library, or you can review the code online on the State of Idaho webpage.
Public Records Request Information
Idaho Code 9-338 provides the public the opportunity to review or copy public documents. You may review this section of the code on the State of Idaho’s web page. To submit a Public Records Request, please complete the attached form, being as specific as possible, and return it to the appropriate department. If your request is for documents or information from the Shoshone County Commissioner’s office, please send it to the Board of County Commissioners, 700 Bank Street, Suite 120, Wallace, Idaho 83873 or fax it to (208) 752-4304. If you are seeking records from a different Shoshone County department, please contact that specific department to obtain their address or fax number.
Public Records Request form –>
Shoshone County Snowmobile Groomer Advisory Board
Shoshone County Snowmobile Groomer Advisory Board for 2023/2024 – term expires September 30, 2024:
Chris Pfahl – Chairman
Sam Davis – Vice Chairman
Carl Bryan- Secretary
Donald Kotschevar – Member
Jim Crandall – Member
Preston Elliott – Member
Don West – Member